Immediate Life Support (ILS)- Healthcare

95 videos, 5 hours and 40 minutes

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Paediatric CPR overview

Video 61 of 95
9 min 23 sec
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Child CPR Overview

Understanding Child CPR and Its Goals

Exploring the importance and techniques of child CPR in emergencies.

Key Considerations in Child Resuscitation

Preparing for the unique challenges of child CPR:

  • Child resuscitation is stressful for all responders, requiring focus and skill.
  • Understanding the goals of CPR enhances efficiency and effectiveness.
  • A child's physiology differs from an adult's, requiring specific techniques.

Physiological Differences

Comparing child and adult physiology:

  • A child's heart beats faster than an adult's, akin to a Formula 1 engine.
  • Children exhaust oxygen quickly; prompt resuscitation is critical.
  • Effective compressions aim to maintain brain oxygenation.

Techniques in Child CPR

Executing CPR correctly for children:

  • Place hands at the centre of the chest, compressing 5 to 6 cm depth.
  • Ensure full recoil after each compression for optimal blood circulation.
  • Clear and maintain a patent airway, utilizing the sniffing position.

Steps in Child CPR

Structured approach to child CPR:

  • Assess breathing and perform CPR if breathing is absent.
  • Initiate 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths cycle.
  • Repeat cycles until professional help arrives or recovery is observed.

Emergency Response Protocols

Coordinating emergency response:

  • Call emergency services immediately; maintain communication.
  • In hospital settings, activate the crash team for additional support.
  • Continue CPR until advanced help with defibrillation arrives.

Importance of Basic Life Support (BLS)

Role of BLS in improving survival:

  • BLS administered promptly by bystanders enhances survival chances.
  • Efficiency in CPR delivery crucially affects patient outcomes.

Understanding the principles of child CPR ensures effective emergency response and improves outcomes in critical situations.