Immediate Life Support (ILS)- Healthcare

95 videos, 5 hours and 40 minutes

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Blood pressure

Video 14 of 95
6 min 26 sec
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Blood Pressure Assessment: Procedure and Considerations


Before taking your blood pressure, let's ensure proper preparation and understanding of the process.


  • Confirm patient consent and readiness.
  • Ensure hands are washed and gloves are worn.
  • Verify equipment cleanliness.


Begin by selecting the appropriate arm and cuff size for accurate readings.

Arm Selection:

  • Use the left arm due to optimal arterial configuration.
  • Consider alternatives for patients with specific arm conditions or injuries.

Cuff Size:

  • The cuff should cover at least 80% of the upper arm's distance between the axilla and elbow.
  • The inflatable portion should cover at least 40% of the upper arm's circumference.


  • Position the cuff snugly on the arm, ensuring direct contact with the skin.
  • Align the cuff arrow with the brachial artery for accurate measurement.


  • Inflate the cuff and maintain arm position at heart level.
  • Avoid arm movement during measurement to prevent erroneous readings.


  • Monitor cuff tightness, especially in elderly patients or those on blood thinners.
  • Account for individual factors such as age, medication, and medical history.


Review the displayed blood pressure readings, focusing on systolic and diastolic values.

Systolic (Top Number):

  • Represents heart contraction force against arterial walls.

Diastolic (Bottom Number):

  • Indicates heart relaxation between beats.


Remember, blood pressure assessment is part of a comprehensive evaluation, considering various factors to derive accurate insights into a patient's health.