Immediate Life Support (ILS)- Healthcare

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Child CPR for Healthcare Professionals

Video 62 of 95
1 min 51 sec
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CPR for Healthcare Professionals

Understanding the nuances of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for healthcare professionals, including the differences from standard first aid practices and adaptations for children and infants.

Introduction to CPR Variations

CPR guidelines vary between first aiders and healthcare professionals, with specific adaptations for children and infants. It's essential for healthcare professionals to be familiar with these distinctions and apply them according to their work setting.

Differences in CPR Techniques

The primary variation in CPR for healthcare professionals lies in the compression ratios, especially for children and infants, where the ratio changes from 30:2 to 15:2. This section details the procedure and the rationale behind the adjustments.

Adapting to Your Environment

  • Understanding Local Rules: Healthcare settings may have specific CPR protocols. Consult with your resuscitation officer for guidance.
  • Outside the Hospital: When responding to emergencies in non-clinical settings, healthcare professionals must adapt their approach while maintaining their duty to respond.
Communication is Key

Effective communication with bystanders, first aiders, or family members is crucial in emergency situations. Emphasizing the importance of clear instructions and sensitivity to others' emotional states during such critical times.


For healthcare professionals, the ability to switch between standard first aid and professional CPR protocols, depending on the setting and the patient's age, is vital. Awareness of local policies and clear communication with those involved can significantly impact the outcome of CPR efforts.